States with No Licensing Board

National Auctioneers License Law Officials Association

You should always contact the state directly to verify information as NALLOA may be unaware of changes.


Contact:  Business and Professional Licensing
333 Willoughby Ave., 9th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 465-2550,

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No Auctioneer License Required

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Yes, the state of Alaska requires all businesses to obtain a license to operate in the state if they are for-profit. You must pay a fee and file an application with the Department of Commerce.

Online Auction License:
There is currently “no jurisdiction over online auctions” in Alaska.


California Secretary of the State Office
1500 11th St., 2nd and 3rd Floors
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 653-6814

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is no auctioneer license requirement in CA. However, California does mandate that auctioneers and auction companies must have a bond filed with the state of at least $20,000.00. The CA Department of Insurance maintains a list of current companies that can assist you in obtain a bond.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Estate Tag sales or auctions will require a Sellers Permit to be issued by the Board of Equalization. To obtain the permit you must file out an application and pay a fee. Failure to do so could result in fines.

Online Auction License:
If, through Internet auction houses you list your merchandise to sell, seek bids, accept a bid from the highest bidder, and transfer the merchandise to the purchaser, you are generally considered the retailer in your transactions. This is true whether you receive the funds or have another party, such as PayPal, collect the funds on your behalf. Companies that host such transactions are not themselves considered retailers and are therefore not subject to the requirement.


Department of Revenue Services
25 Sigourney St., Ste 2
Hartford, CT
Ph. 860-297-5962

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is no state auctioneer license requirement.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
State requires auctioneers to obtain a license from the town where the auction is to be held. Requirement does not apply if only selling household furniture. Or if auctioneer is from the town where the auction will take place. Contact the town clerk for information on how to obtain the license.

Online auctions:
Connecticut does not regulate online auctions at this time.There is currently “no jurisdiction over online auctions”


DCCA Business Action Centers (BAC) Find hours & locations here.

Auctioneer License Requirement:
DCCA Business Action Centers (BAC) Find hours & locations here.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Some counties require an auctioneer license such as Hawaii County. To apply you must have registered your business to obtain your state tax ID number, provide a bond, and pay the application fee of $100. There doesn’t appear to be any examination. Other counties require a resale license.

Online Auctions:
Hawaii does not regulate online auctions at this time.


Contact: Iowa Department of Revenue Customer Service 515-281-3114

Auctioneer License Requirement: Iowa does not Requires an Auctioneer License. However, most municipalities offer specific auctioneer licenses for cattle and livestock.Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?. Be sure to check with your local county/city government to verify there are no special requirements.

Online Auctions: No license is required.


Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development
401 E.Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is NO Auctioneer license. However, you must register Dept. of Assessments and Taxation.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license required. Counties do regulation Auctioneers, and may additionally regulate estate tag sales.

Online Auctions:
No license is required.


Minnesota Secretary of State Office
60 Empire Dr., Suite 100
Saint Paul, MN 55103
(651) 296-2803

Auctioneer License Requirement:
State law authorizes the counties to issue Auctioneer License. You must apply with the county. To be qualified you must be 18 years or old, fill out the application, pay fee, and be bonded in the amount of not more than $3,000.00. License is issued per sale.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
Minnesota does not appear to be regulating online auctions


Montana Department of Commerce
301 S. Park
Helena, MT 59620

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License requirement. State law authorizes towns and local governments to regulate and license auctioneers.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
Montana does not regulate online auctions at this time. 


Nevada Secretary of the State Office
101 N. Carson St., Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-5708

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
All businesses operating in Nevada must obtain a State Business license. More specific licenses such as auction and resale licenses are issued by local governments.

Online Auctions:
Nevada does not regulate online auctions.

New Mexico

New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department
Toney Anaya Building
2550 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License required.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.


Oklahoma City Office of Dept. of Commerce
900 N. Stiles Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Auctioneer License Requirement:
State law authorizes the counties to issue Auctioneer Licenses. You must apply with the county. To be qualified you must be 18 years or old, fill out the application, pay fee, and a bond is required.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Be sure to check with your local government to comply with any additional regulations.

Online Auctions:
An auctioneer is not required to have a state license to provide auctioning services to sell general, personal and tangible property items for an owner. However, to sell agriculture livestock  at an auction or real estate, special licenses are required.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Dept. of Business Regulation
1511 Pontiac Ave.
Cranston, RI  02920
(401) 462-9500

Auctioneer License Requirement:
Rhode Island no longer requires an auctioneer license.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Check with the state to see if your tag sale business must comply. Always check your local government authorities as well to see if there may be additional requirements.

Online Auctions:
No license is required.


Utah Division of Corporations & Commercial Code
160 East 300 South
PO Box 146705
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6705
Toll Free: 1-877-526-3994

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State License

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
All businesses must obtain a business license from the local city or county in which the business is being conducted.

Online Auctions:No license is required.


AZ Department of Revenue Transaction Privilege Use Tax and Withholding Tax 602-255-2060

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No Auctioneer License Required

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
At a minimum, you must file for a business license to operate in the state of AZ, called the Transaction Privilege Tax and Use Tax. Counties may require you to file a separate license to operate your sale. Be sure to check with them. 

Online Auction License:
Arizona does not regulate online auctions. 



If you do want to obtain a license, contact the Denver Business Licensing Center.

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is no state auctioneer license requirement.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There does not appear to be any state specific laws that would require licensing of any tag sales. Check with the local municipalities to verify licensing

Online Auctions:
Currently, there are no online auction laws regulating estate sale auctions being conducted through the internet.There is currently “no jurisdiction over online auctions”


Division of Revenue Carvel State Office Building
820 North French Street Wilmington DE 19801
(302) 577-8205

Auctioneer License Requirement:

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
Delaware requires all business that operate to obtain a state business license just to operate. Except for sole proprietors with no employees. You must fill out an application and pay a yearly fee. Local city governments may require additional permits for sales.

Online Auctions:
Delaware does not regulate online auctions at this time.


Idaho Secretary of State Office
700 W. Jefferson, Room E205
Boise, ID 83720

Auctioneer License Requirement:
Idaho does not require an Auctioneer License.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There does not appear to be any state specific laws that would require licensing of any tag sales. Check with the local municipalities to verify licensing.

Online Auctions:
Idaho does not regulate online auctions at this time


Contact: 877-521-8600

Auctioneer License Requirement: Kansas does not require an auctioneer license.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?. However, expect that local municipality will regulate auctions. Be sure to contact the local county/city government.

Online Auctions: Kansas does not regulate online auctions at this time.There is currently “no jurisdiction over online auctions”


Michigan State Auctioneers Association
4529 Gibbs St.
NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544-9719
(616) 785- 8288

Auctioneer License Requirement:
As of June 2014 Auctioneer Licenses are no longer required by the State.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
Michigan does not regulate online auctions.


Dept. of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Regulations
(573) 751-4126

Auctioneer License Requirement:
Licensing of Auctioneers (

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
Online auctions fall under the definition of auctions


Nebraska Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board
301 Centennial Mall, P.O. Box 94697
Lincoln, NE 68509

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License required.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
Nebraska does not regulate online auctions.

New Jersey

The NJ Commerce & Economic Growth Commission’s Licenses and Certifications
Hotline: 609-777-2642 or toll-free: 1-800-533-0186

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License required.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no statewide business license requirement. The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
New Jersey does not regulate online auctions.

New York

New York Department of State

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No State Auctioneer License required. NY gives authority to city governments to issue licenses.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
The city/township clerk of the community in which an auction/tag sale will be held should be contacted to determine if a license/permit is required.

Online Auctions:
There is no regulation for online auctions.


Secretary of State, Corporation Division
Public Service Building
255 Capitol Street NE Suite 151
Salem, Oregon 97310

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is no Auctioneer license however the state does regulate the conduct of Auctions and Auctioneers. review the full list of requirements.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
There is no Auctioneer license however the state does regulate the conduct of Auctions and Auctioneers. Be sure to review the full list of requirements.

Online Auctions:
There are rules, but no license is required.

South Dakota

Department of Labor and Regulation
221 W. Capitol Ave., Suite 101
Pierre, SD 57501

Auctioneer License Requirement:
There is no general Auctioneer license required. There is licensing requirement to auction off Real Estate.

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
It does not appear that there is a specific business license requirement for resellers in the state. Check with the local government to be sure they do not have separate licensing requirements.

Online Auctions:
No license is required.


Business Division
State Capitol Building, Room 110
200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020

Auctioneer License Requirement:
No Auctioneer License required

Other License for Estate Sale Only Business?
 Some Cities will require an Auctioneer Business License to be filed with the City, pay a fee, and be bonded before conducting the auction. Cheyenne is one of these cities.

Online Auctions:
State is only regulating online auctions pertaining to real estate sales at this time